Monday, November 14, 2022

Emperor of Japan- Monologue

        For this weeks material I took a dive make into the works of もしもしゆうすけ, a Japanese hosted YouTube channel that serves as a form of honne, or true feelings of Japanese natives. In this particular video, Yosuke breaks down the role of the the Emperor and the nationalism associated with their action. It was interesting to see that the Japanese emperor became synonymous to Japan in the eyes of different ultra-nationalist located in Japan. Furthermore it is this symbolic representation of Japan, that prevents the emperor from being criticized or rarely being used as a talking point in the public sphere. This in its own right serves as a sharp variation to other national figures, like that of the late Queen of England or the      President of Ireland- both of which have the same lack of impact on their national politics. The video also served as a window into the Japanese calender, which restarts with the inauguration of each new Emperor, as opposed to the calander year present in the US, that stems from the death of Jesus(or A.D).

                                                Naruhito - Wikipedia


In terms of my understanding of the Japanese language, I continue to recognize terms and gain better understanding of the language itself. Much of the argument surrounding the emperors role persists as he is  a representation of the people, serving as a we , 私たち.

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