Monday, November 7, 2022

Earthquakes in Japan

 This week, I discovered a new content creator that I will continue to utilize in the future. もしもしゆうすけ serves as a Japanese youtuber that creates content by discussing typical cultural actions of Japan over his strolls around the city, lasting anywhere from 10 minutes to the better part of an hour. What I enjoy about his editing style is that it offers both English and Japanese subtitles(consisting of hiragana, katakana, and kanji). For this video, Yusuke analyzed the role of earthquakes in Japans daily life, as well as the variation that occurs depending on location. He talks about the special construction of the buildings to withstand earthquakes better as well as the Japanese earth quake scale which serves as a more apt representation of damage to the public infrastructure when compared to the universally recognized Richter scale.

I was able to gain a decent understanding of the role of earthquakes on Japanese society, as well as understanding time frames, scales, and locations as mentioned throughout the video(even without the subtitles). The walking nature of the video also serves as a better insight into Japanese consumer culture as well as typical styles of dress- most intriguing of which being the use of Umbrellas to provide shade and coverage on a sunny day.

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