Monday, October 10, 2022

Daiki Tsuneta Tokyo Chaotic

 Continuing with the ideas of Japanese documentaries and the world of popular Japanese music, this week I took a look into the Netflix Documentary Daiki Tsuneta Tokyo Chaotic. The film follows the process of music creation behind one of Japan's most influential music producers in the form of Daiki Tsuneta. Most famous for his founding of the group King Gnu, his new project has begun to adopt his varying backgrounds and instrumental prowess in the creation of a blend of various genres to create a  unique "collage". Unlike other traditional forms of music, especially present in the Jpop music scene, the new group Millennium Parade takes a mixed media approach to its representation, adding in visualizers and street art to create a more enthralling atmosphere for the audience.

The documentary was interesting, with a different approach to the aspects of Japanese culture that it explores. Due to the specialized nature of the documentary, the technical terms relating to music were new additions to my vocabulary, though I was surprised by my ability to comprehend general conversations based on verb structure and the video context clues.

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