Sunday, September 25, 2022

MADE IN KAWASAKI 工業地帯が生んだヒップホップクルー BAD HOP

 This week I took a look into the counter culture world of Japanese Hip Hop stemming from the impoverished areas of Tokyo. The 20 minute documentary by Vice Japan serves as a look into the upbringing behind of one of the largest JHop groups of Japan- Bad Hop. The video itself served as a unique look into an aspect of Japanese society that I was unfamiliar with, including the impoverished status of its lower class members or Burakau, as they turned to organized crime and violence from a young age to survive. Coming from the industrial side of Tokyo Kawasaki, with poor living conditions and even worse opportunity, the rappers in the video talk about the role of crime and the Yakuza that it played in their upbringing.

 The film also caused me to draw connection to other documentary works surrounding poorly received  music and the all or nothing attitude of people trying to break into the industry: Decline of Western Civilization II. All in all the video itself was interesting as was the introduction into JHop groups like Bad Hop or Maddy Soma.

1 comment:

  1. The history of J-Pop is really interesting. I only really know about it because of a brief research project in high school where I learned about American hip hop artists touring in Japan.

    にほんごのおんがくを ききます? Do you listen to Japanese music? I've gotten into it in class and would love to hear any new recommendations.


みんなで Japanese Conversation [1] and Streamers the Band

 For this weeks Listening/Watching excersize, I took a dive into two mediums I typically don't explore- the unscripted conversation of も...