Sunday, April 16, 2023

Mashle- Magic and Muscles

 For this weeks Reading/Listening, I dove into the wonderful world of anime as I watched the first two episodes of the newly airing tv show Mashle. Mashle, or its alternative title, Mashle- Magic and Muscles, drew my intention as a new and interesting approach to world of magic, reminding me of a cross between Harry Potter and Black Clover.

                                              Mashle: Magic and Muscles Episode 1 Release Date & Time

The show follows the protagonist Mash, a man who has dedicated his life to physically enhancing his own physical capabilities to make up for his own lack of magical abilities, abilities that all other members of the world have, as he enrolls in a magical academy to escape trouble with the government. There he utilizes his pure strength to create "practical" solutions to tasks typically magical problems- like opening locks with brute strength, throwing wands as a sort of throwing knife, and threatening magical items with there destruction should they fail to behave nicely.

All in all the show was a fun way to take a break from studying for the upcoming exams, and it will definitely be something I will continue to watch as the season airs. I wouldn't say however that the show has contributed greatly towards my ability to further understand the language. The shows slapstick esque humor and fantastical world(filled with magic) leaves much of the narrative secondary, though the show is fun nonetheless and I learned the term for a new desert that I love- Shu Cream or cream puff.

                                                         Cream Puffs Recipe

1 comment:

  1. The show sounds so interesting. You definitely had me at "... a cross between Harry Potter and Black Clover." I think it's a cool concept that the main character became physically stronger because he can't use magic. Hopefully I will get to watch this anime soon!


みんなで Japanese Conversation [1] and Streamers the Band

 For this weeks Listening/Watching excersize, I took a dive into two mediums I typically don't explore- the unscripted conversation of も...