Sunday, March 19, 2023

Kimagure Cook- Japanese Home Cooking Channel

 For this weeks Listening/Learning, I took a dive into the world of Japanese content creation- more specifically the world of Kimagure Cook- a home chef in Japan. The channel itself revolves around the creation of delicious looking dishes similar to a number of food channels found in the states, but largely focusing on locally sourced ingredients from Japanese Markets, typically seafood.

In the video, Kimagure created Red Tongue Sole Meuniere with Mashed potatoes, that looked so phenomenal that I was hungry despite having recently eaten dinner. Below is a picture of the finished product:

Other than the handcrafted nature that Kimagure displays in his dishes it was interesting to the cultural difference displayed in the approach to their creation.  In addition to using locally sourced ingredients like freshly caught Sole or Hokkaido raised butter and milk, Kimagure also used some ingredients exclusive to Japan like Sudachi a Japanese vegetable similar to lime to instill Acidity in the dish.

                                                            Sudachi - Wikipedia

The video was also a good way to familiarize myself with Japanese cooking terms, as he adapted terms like Han to describe thing like half amongst other variations that I typically only associated with time and numerical denominations. It was also interesting to hear the use of English phrases like "Number 1" to denote ranks and praise compared to the ichiban learned in class. I'll be sure to to go back and watch more of Kimagure's content, though I wish I lived by the sea to be able to try(and ultimately fail) the recreation of the dishes displayed

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