Sunday, August 28, 2022

Why Japan/Why Japanese?

Ever since I was a kid, Japan has been a country that has prompted awe and wanderlust. Initially introduced to me through the snowy mountains of Hokkaido in the Warren Miller ski films, my interest in the country continued to grow through other forms of Japan's representation in pop culture. Over time Japan transitioned from a passing interest exaggerated in western media to a culture I pursued with fervor. In addition to the perusal of the odd drama or anime,  I was fortunate as I was able to interact with a variety of different forms of the country's food, as well as use the internet to gain knowledge on the growing culture of streetwear. All of this has culminated in my greatest pursuit of the culture yet: the studying of the language. I hope to be able to use the knowledge that I learn here in the future as I apply to the JET program or when I simply visit the country. All I can say is that as I go forward on this journey into the Japanese language,ガンバリマス.

みんなで Japanese Conversation [1] and Streamers the Band

 For this weeks Listening/Watching excersize, I took a dive into two mediums I typically don't explore- the unscripted conversation of も...